Nikos Kazantzakis and Travel Writing : Innovating in Poetics and Politics

Part of : The Historical Review ; Vol.8, No.1, 2011, pages 179-208

The present article suggests that Nikos Kazantzakis in his travel writing achieves remarkable innovations both in the politics and the poetics of the travel genre. The innovation in the poetics of his travel writing consists in the generic hybridity between fiction and the travel genre, while the innovation in politics relates to its implication in racial narratives. The article does not detail the corpus of Kazantzakis’ travel writings; the arguments are articulated paradigmatically based on Kazantzakis’ travelogue on England, a mature travel text where innovation in both directions has been configured. The article comprises three parts where theory is combined with specific examples from Kazantzakis’ travelogue on England: 1) the Introduction, where the issue of innovation is addressed; 2) the second part, Innovation in Poetics: Hybridity, where it is shown how Kazantzakis innovates in the poetics of the travel genre through certain rhetorical strategies and through translation; and 3) the third part, Innovation in Politics: Race, which discusses the dialogue of Kazantzakis’ politics with race in relation to political theories from the past and the present.
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