Exploring indian tourists’ motivation and perception of Bangkok

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.7, No.1, 2012, pages 61-79

Section Title:
Research papers
Indians increasingly travel to foreign countries in a large number every year. To date, there are no studies focusing on this group of tourists. This study thus investigates the Indian tourists’ motivation and perception of Bangkok, Thailand. The study shows that both push and pull factors stimulate these Indians to travel. The most important motivations are to have fun, followed by to enjoy the beautiful environment, scenery, and beaches. Based on 20 motivations, four core typologies of Indian tourists are found: Novelty Seeking, Stress Busting/Fun, Achievement, and Family Oriented/Education. Family and/or friends and the Internet are perceived by Indian tourists as important sources in trip decision making.
Subject (LC):
Indian tourist, tourist’s motivation, tourist’s perception, Bangkok, Thailand
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References (1):
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