Fare tale orienteering : developing art word by letterboxing event

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.7, No.1, 2012, pages 253-268

Section Title:
Research papers
Special events have grown in the tourism industry as indispensable product alternatives to many urban destinations. This case study describes a unique Art Word by Letterboxing – event, which was organized in Pori, Finland. The event was fruitful in terms of adventure tourist products and introduces opportunities art word workshops and is an example special tourist event. This study presents a concrete letterboxing application and describes comprehensively the contents and goals of Art Word by letterboxing -event. The study is empirical case study, which passed on 12 participators evaluation. Most outstanding result is the social interaction with word of art amateur in group conversation bring up ideas for create this kind of events for new places example inside of school or middle of forest. Users find the event refreshing, motivating and highly suitable as a concluding event for their art word workshops. Experiences and feelings inspire to embark on future adventures.
Subject (LC):
special events, adventure tourism, art word, letterboxing, treasure hunt games
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References (1):
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