Everyday Practices and Subversions : Semiotic Analysis of the 2009 Greek Elections Through the Headlines of a Daily National Newspaper

Part of : Γράμμα : περιοδικό θεωρίας και κριτικής ; Vol.20, 2012, pages 117-124

In this article, we will examine how journalistic discourse interferes witheveryday practice and contributes to its subversion. We will show how thespecial event of national elections, once it becomes everyday itself, canstill attract the interest of readers, interrupting the rhythm of habit. Morespecifically, through selected headlines of the newspaper Eleftherotypiawe will examine how the 2009 national elections in Greece, forming astrong political event, tended to become routine through the daily flow ofthe press and how the enunciative strategies of the newspaper attemptedto maintain the intensity of its readers’ interest in this particular topic.
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