Λαογραφία και ψυχολογία των λαών (Volkerpsychologie)

Part of : Λαογραφία : δελτίον της Ελληνικής Λαογραφικής Εταιρείας ; No.ΜΒ, 2010, pages 373-390

Parallel Title:
Folklore and the psychology of peoples (Volkerpsychologie)
Section Title:
The paper traces the mutual influences of these two disciplines that appeared in parallel, that is, with the Psychology of Peoples (Volkerpsychologie) and Folklore ( Volkskunde). It deals first with the creation of the discipline of the Psychology of Peoples from the mid 1860s onwards and, in particular, with the great psychologist Wilhelm Wundt. It also deals with how Greek folklorists, such as Politis, Kyriakides, Megas and Alki Kyriakidou, embracedthe views of Wundt and of other German psychologists.
Subject (LC):
Ψυχολογία των λαών, Volkerpsychologie
References (1):
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