Τα λουκέτα της αγάπης : Χαρακτηριστικά ενός σύγχρονου εθίμου

Part of : Λαογραφία : δελτίον της Ελληνικής Λαογραφικής Εταιρείας ; No.ΜΒ, 2010, pages 391-406

Parallel Title:
The padlocks of love : Aspects of a contemporary custom
The article deals with the incorporation of a custom into the secondgeneration tradition, as it were. This, however, is not to be regarded as being completely identical with folklorismus, which the author deals with concisely. In the view of the writer, ‘the revival and maintenance of folk culture has become ingrained in popular attitudes to a certain degree’. The article then exhaustively explores the custom that has spread at striking speed to Asia, Europe, north and south America and to Australia. According to this, pairsof lovers lock their love up with a padlock and throw away the key. The author then examines the relationship between this custom and tradition and the hybridity of the custom.
Subject (LC):
Έθιμο, Παράδοση
References (1):
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