Ενάλιες έρευνες στο λιμάνι της Θάσου : Α. Ελληνική έρευνα 1980-1984, Β' Ελληνογαλική έρευνα 1987

Part of : Αρχαιολογικά ανάλεκτα εξ Αθηνών ; Vol.XVIII, No.1-2, 1985, pages 119-136

Section Title:
Αρχαιολογικά χρονικά
Thasos has one of the most characteristic ancient harbour constructions, consisting of two ports, which have survived in our timeentirely in their original size and shape. Except for the general geomorphologicalchanges in the Aegean, which have caused the sea level to rise, no other silt problems have occurred. The two ports lie close to one another on the northwest side of the ancient city. The commercial port or “Anichtos limin ' faces north and was protected both by the rocky promontory and by a breakwater with a tower, still visible under the sea. The “ kleistos limin'’ lay at the extension of the city walls down to the sea, and in spite of modern installations has maintained its originalsize and shape.Since 1976 dredging works have been in progress at the “kleistos' limin" due to modern priorities. Because of the existence of stony rubble in the bottom of the harbour and its shallowdepth,any attempt at under w-ater excavation was extremely difficult. A 15 days excavation project in 1979 with the help of a speciallydesigned hydrolift has only produced an 8 m. long test trench.As a result of this project we discovered a series of blocks which apparently belong either to the interior north mole or relate toother ship facilities inside the port. Another breakwater w-as discovered on the exterior north side towards the sea. It wasconstructed only of rubble, without evidence of any of the ashlar blocks that were found in the rest of the port. Its construction technique and its considerable depth (2 m.) without a doubt representthe earliest evidence of harbour works in the area. Because its construction is very similar to the breakwaters found in Paros in 1979 it probably belongs to the 7th century, when Parians settled there and created a commercial centre. After the dredging works started, the archaeological role was limited to salvage and the collection of the dredged material. Evidenceof other port facilities includes the numerous ashlar blocks that came out in dredging, which we hope to be able to reconstruct in the near future.Further surveys around the modern quays have identified the exact position of the ancient quays on the SE side close to the roundtow-er. Their vertical face lies 1 m. beyond the edge of the w-ater, but their structures continue beneath the modern quay.
Subject (LC):
Το άρθρο περιέχει χάρτες και εικόνες., Το πρώτο μέρος από το άρθρο έχει γραφτεί από τον Λιανό Ν. και το δεύτερο από την Σιμώσι Α. και τον Empereur J.Y.