Η λαογραφική έρευνα των προσωπικών αφηγήσεων στο διεθνή χώρο

Part of : Λαογραφία : δελτίον της Ελληνικής Λαογραφικής Εταιρείας ; No.ΜΒ, 2010, pages 1047-1060

Parallel Title:
International folklore research into personal narratives
Section Title:
Πρακτικά ημερίδας
The paper employs many examples drawn from the bibliography to examine the contribution of folklorists in the USA and Europe to the study of personal narratives, including life narratives, life stories and narratives of personal experience, from the 1970s down to the present. The paper also presents an overview of folklore research into personal narratives in Greece.
Subject (LC):
References (1):
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