Νεκροταφεία γύρω από δυο ναούς μέσα στο κάστρο του Πλαταμώνα

Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.11, No.1, 1997, pages 257-266

Parallel Title:
Excavation in two churches in the castle of Platamon
The excavations in the Castle of Platamon from 1992 until 1995, which were resumedin 1997, brought to light a cemetery to the east and south of Church A and also severalgraves inside the Church. During 1997 we continued excavating the cemetery south ofChurch A, which resulted in the discovery of more graves extending up to the narthex ofthe church. During the excavation we found thirteen graves with the classic Christian orientationto the east, which are much more densely placed in the part which corresponds tothe narthex and less closely in the part which corresponds to the naos. The graves, whichwere found intact, belong to adults and the dead always have their hands crossed upon oftheir chest.These graves, like the ones to the east of the church, are placed in successive layers.This shows the continuous and uninterrupted use of the cemetery. Moreover, the graveswe found in 1997, like the ones at the eastern side of the church, were without offerings.However, in some of the graves we found some jewellery made of copper, coins and cupsof the late Byzantine period. Finally, the seven coins of the Justinian period which werefound together with a few post-Comnenian coins in different layers in the graves show thatthe older Byzantine layers were disturbed when the dead were buried.The same year we also excavated to the west of the one-aisled Church B. During theexcavation we found a total of three walls which do not match in their construction thoughthey surround on the west of the Church a square area with dimensions of 4.90 (SN)X 8.00 m (W-E). This building is not on the same axis as the church, but diagonal witha north-east - south-west orientation. The fact that the walls of that building do not nowtouch the church make us wonder about its function (narthex or surrounding walls).An important element indicative of the use of this place is its function as cemetery forbabies and young children in the upper layers of the excavation. This function is connectedas much to a narthex as to surrounding walls of cemetery. On the inner side of this areawe have found thirty-nine graves to date. There are graves 40-60 cm. in length placedunorganized in two groups of four and three successive layers. The later graves affect theearlier/ones without destroying them.Most of the graves have a Christian orientation to the east and the dead have thenhandseither crossed in front of their chest or vertically in front of it. Most of them did nothave offerings except for a few where some jewellery made of copper, coins and pieces ofcups near the heads of the dead were found.Finally, the excavation at the Churches A and B in 1997 brought to light interestingdata about the way the dead were buried in the post-Byzantine and late-Byzantine periodin the small fort-cities like the castle of Platamon. We also believe that burial of babiesand young children in Church B is very interesting. We suppose this is connected with thefact that the Saint is honoured as the patron saint of children.
Subject (LC):
Πλαταμώνας, κάστρα, συνέδρια, νεκροταφεία
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