Μεσοβυζαντινό ναΰδριο στη βασιλική της Παληοχώρας Μαρωνείας
Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.11, No.1, 1997, pages 645-661
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A small middle byzantine church in the basilica at Paliohora, near Maronia
A small aisleless Byzantine church, with interior dimensions of 8.45x4.30 m,occupies the east end of the north aisle of the Early Christian basilica at Paliohora,near Maronia.Apart from its north and east walls, which belonged to the basilica, the littlechurch is built in an early form of cloisonne masonry, using stones, spolia, bricks,and mud. The south wall rests on the stylobate of the basilica’s north colonnade,and the west wall and the floor of the little church are built on the ruined mosaic inthe north aisle. The walls were surfaced with lime plaster.In the sanctuary, which is floored with older marble, a semicircular synthrononand columns form the supports for the altar and the prothesis. Of the chancel screen,the base survives in situ, built with spolia, as do parts of the epistyle and a closurepanel. In the naos there is a bench along the north wall, and the floor is paved withbricks.An entranceway in the north wall gave access to an annex. Early in the twelfthcentury, perhaps, this room was cut off from the little church and housed a largecist-grave. Subsequently, a cemetery was created both inside and outside the littlechurch.The life of both the little church and the south annex between the tenth and thethirteenth century is confirmed by the finds, which include coins of this period, abronze processional cross, a lead seal inscribed with the rank of episkeptites, anarm of a bronze cross with incised decoration, and fragments of oil lamps.The excavation of this little church at Paliohora, which shares many similaritieswith the katholikon of the Middle Byzantine monastery at Synaxis, near Maronia,suggests new conclusions regarding the topography of Byzantine Maronia andprovides some useful data to assist further investigations.
Subject (LC):
Μαρώνεια, συνέδρια
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