Νεολιθικός οικισμός Μακρύγιαλου Πιερίας : πρώτα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης

Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.10, No.Α, 1996, pages 259-277

Parallel Title:
Neolithic settlement at Makrigialos, Pieria
The neolithic site at Makrigialos has been excavated during a rescue exca­ vation project carried out by the 16th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, due to the construction of the new railway and the extension of the main national road. The large area of excavation allowed for the first time the detailed recording of the internal organization of a flat - extended settlement, a type that recently proved to be dominant in Neolithic Macedonia. The site is estimated to have a total extent of 50 hectares, of which 6 hectares have been excavated. Two discrete habitation phases, both securely dated to the late Neo­ lithic Period, differ in spatial organization as well as time. Since the end of the excavation, a large group of archaeologists has undertaken the recording and study of the archaeological material in collaboration with the Universities of Thessaloniki, Sheffield and Cambridge. We present here the progress and the preliminary results of each individual study. However, we should mention, that along with the study of the finds, the study of stratigraphy is proceeding as well.Study of pottery started from phase II, since the characteristic pottery shows a close relation to the Thessalian tradition of painted “Dimini” style. Elli Hitsiou is attempting to separate the different pottery categories according to the work on the surface and the shape of the ceramics. Furthermore, she is trying to define the various fabrics used and their origins. Anna-Despina La- hanidou has started cataloguing the pottery from phase I according to different categories and fabrics as the first stage of the analysis. Katerina Skourtopoulou is working with the chipped stone industry, in order to analyze the various types of tools, the materials used in their construction, and finally the production strategy of the Neolithic inhabitants in that field. Paul Halstead and Patricia Collins by detailed recording and study of animal bones aim mainly to clarify whether the patterns of animal exploitation are related to divergence of spatial organization. They also take advantage of the uniquely large scale of excavation to investigate animal exploitation by individual social units within the Late Neolithic settlement, and to examine whether metal was used in animal butchery. Soultana Vaiamoti is responsible for the retrieval and study of the plant remains. She has so far identified the various species in use and is working on the possible cultivation modes which are very closely related to the organization of the site. Sevasti Triantafyllou is working with the human skeletal remains deriving from both phases of occupation. A dinstinction is made between main and secondary burials and the rough estimation of the number of people deriving from the bone remains, that she attempts, con­tributes to the discussion of demographic problems. Finally, Soultana Gerousi is working with the numerous ground and polished tools from habitation contexts. Various categories of tools are recognized and a major effort is made to locate the various sources of the materials used.
Subject (LC):
Νεολιθική εποχή, Πιερία, συνέδρια
Περιέχει 7 παραρτήματα: Παράρτημα 1 με τίτλο ''Κεραμική/Φάση Ι'' υπό την Άννα-Δέσποινα Λαχανίδου του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης. Παράρτημα 2 με τίτλο ''Η κεραμική της φάσης ΙΙ του Μακρύγιαλου'' υπό την Έλλη Χίτσιου του Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology Dept. of Archaeology and Prehistory University of Sheffield. Παράρτημα 3 με τίτλο '' Οι λιθοτεχνίες απολεπισμένου λίθου στο νεολιθικό Μακρύγιαλο: τα πρώτα στοιχεία'' υπό την Κατερίνα Σκουρτοπούλου του University of Cambridge.Παράρτημα 4 με τίτλο ''Λειασμένα και τριπτά εργαλεία από τον νεολιθικό οικισμό στη θέση Αγίασμα Μακρύγιαλου'' υπό την Γερούση Τάνια του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης.Παράρτημα 5 με τίτλο ''Ln Makrigialos: preliminary results of the study of animal bones'' υπό τον Paul Halstead και την Patricia Collins του Sheffield Centre for Aegean Archaeology Dept. of Archaeology and Prehistory University of Sheffield. Παράρτημα 6 με τίτλο ''Αρχαιοβοτανικές έρευνες στον προϊστορικό οικισμό Μακρύγιαλου'' υπό την Σουλτάνα Βαλαμώτη του University of Sheffield.Παράρτημα 7 με τίτλο ''Οστεολογική μελέτη νεολιθικού οικισμού Μακρύγιαλου: πρώτες εκτιμήσεις'' υπό την Σέβη Τριανταφύλλου του University of Sheffield, Περιέχει εικόνες