Ο Καντ και το δικαίωμα στην ψήφο

Part of : Δευκαλίων : περιοδική έκδοση για τη φιλοσοφική έρευνα και κριτική ; Vol.27, No.1-2, 2010, pages 71-104

Parallel Title:
Kant and the right to vote
The article examines Kant’s Principle of Independence which awards the vote to all members of the Kantian state on condition that they are independent. Its object is to ascertain, through a close reading of the relevant Kantian texts, exactly what constitutes independence, both ideal and empirical, so as to understand why Kant thought it consonant with right to deny the vote to the non-independent. It argues (a) that Kant held that everyone ought to have the vote, because only then does the electorate necessarily enact just laws, (b) that persons who do not meet the condition of independence only participate nominally in debate and the electoral process, (c) that by denying the vote to the non-independent Kant thought that political reform would be facilitated and (d) that Kant hoped that the institutions of the Kantian state would in the long run lead to nearly universal independence
Subject (LC):
δικαίωμα στην ψήφο, Καντ Ιμμάνουελ 1724-1804