Πετρογραφικές αναλύσεις γεωμετρικής και πρώιμης αρχαϊκής κεραμικής από το νεκροταφείο της αρχαίας Μένδης. : μερικές σκέψεις για την παραγωγή και διακίνηση κεραμικής στην κεντρική Μακεδονία

Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.19, No.1, 2005, pages 249-267

Parallel Title:
Petrographic analysis of geometric and early archaic pottery from the cemetery of ancient Mende
The coastal cemetery of ancient Mende, where continuous use is attested from the end of the 8th c. till the end of the 6th c. B.C., has provided valuable information for the study of the development of local pottery production during Late Geometric and Early Archaic periods. From the total of the 173 vessels used as burial pots, of particular interest is a large assemblage of decorated pottery (painted or incised), for the most part representing known pottery groups, suggested to be locally produced in Chalkidiki or the wider area of the Thermaikos Gulf.A pilot project of petrographic analysis was conducted in collaboration with the Fitch Laboratory, British School in Athens. The major aim of this project was the compositional characterisation of the main pottery groups, considered to be locally produced, in order to shed light on provenance issues, along with the study of pottery technology. The ultimate objective of this study was to enhance the discussion of local pottery production organisation in central Macedonia and, potentially, the identification of different workshops.Petrographic analysis essentially confirmed the stylistic classification of the majority of the decorated pottery from the cemetery (stylistic groups A-D), as well as their local provenance. Pottery from stylistic groups A (i.e. pithoid amphorae with reddish brown linear decoration and concentric circles), B (dark-coloured decoration with geometric motifs in zones), all samples from stylistic group D (of the so-called Chalkidic painted ware), as well as the incised pithoid amphorae of the Eretrian type, present significant compositional and textural similarities and are all included in a broad fabric compatible with an origin in the Kassandra Penisula, or even the wider area of Mende. However, given the complexity of organization of production and circulation of locally made pottery in the area of Macedonia, concluding remarks are therefore preliminary in nature, and should be compared with analytical data from other sites in Chalkidiki as well as the wider area of the Thermaikos Gulf.
Subject (LC):
αρχαία κεραμική, νεκροταφεία, Χαλκιδική, συνέδρια
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