Λύκος Ερμόλαου Σεβάστηος Υπαταίος στρατηγός Θεσσαλών

Part of : Αρχαιογνωσία ; Vol.12, No.1-2, 2003, pages 265-276

Section Title:
A “written stone” in the yard of a house in Hypata awaited us patiently -who knows for how many years— until the summer of 1998, to donate us an important epigraphical evidence, this of the significant honorary inscription, which is actually the subject of this paper.Its study leads to the following findings:1. It reveals a new general of the thessalian koinon of the beginning of the 2nd century (98-117 A.C.) presenting a rough outline of his life. This notable personality developed an admirable activity not only in the political arena as a “general”, “advocate”, and an “ambassador” prooving himself to πολεήτευσάμενον άριστα [rò δι]ηνεκες (1.10-12), but was blessed with the hieratic rank as well:a) Ιερευς έπταετηρικός Sic; των | Σεβαστών (1. 5-6)b) καί Δώς Καραιο[ϋ\ | (1. 6-7)c) καί ιερευς των | Σεβαστών (1. 7-8)d) καί Δώς Σωττ\\ρος (1. 8-9)e) καί ’Αθήνας δίς (1.9)f) στρατηγήοας (τών Θεσσαλών) (1. 10);2. it offers us the opportunity to remind and underline the right linking of the award of the honorable distinction “σεβαστός” in the thessalian cities and their citizens with the reorganization of the Delphic Amphictyony by Augustus, put forward by L. Robert;3. it restores historical personalities and crosses out fictitious ones, such as “Θεσσα- λός Λεοντίσκου” which is due to false readings. The new reading of SEG, 37, 492 certifies that the curator of the monument of Μ. Ουλπιος Λευρος Ευβιότου is Θεόδωρος Λεοντολύκου from Larissa, already known in IG 1X2, 624;4. it offers the first objective and indisputable evidence for the worship of “Zeus Karaios” in Thessaly, locating more accurately in Hypata of the imperial era.
Subject (LC):
επιγραφές, Θεσσαλία