Λίθινα τριπτά από την Κίτρινη Λίμνη Κοζάνης : πρώτη προσέγγιση, πρώτα ερωτήματα

Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.17, No.1, 2003, pages 571-580

Parallel Title:
Ground stones from Kitrini Limni, Kozani : first approach, first questions
This report is the result of the preliminary investigation of more than 250 ground stone objects (mostly tools) and more than 200 pieces of related unworked raw material uncovered during excavation and intensive surface survey at Megaio Nisi Galanis in the Kitrini Limni basin, Kozani. Most items date to the Final Neolithic with a small number originating in Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age deposits. Most raw materials are non-local rather than from the basin floor. The classification of the ground stone assemblage has produced five main categories: 1. bladed tools; 2. perforated objects; 3. passive abrasive tools; 4. active abrasive or percussive tools; 5. miscellanea.A few points regarding each category: 1. Three techniques were identified in the manufacture of bladed tools: sawing, pecking and grinding/polishing. Some manufacturing aspects are not related to the function of these tools and suggest that these objects have more than strictly utilitarian dimensions. The burnt condition of a large number of bladed tools, on the other hand, presents a puzzling situation. It is possible that this may be more intentional than accidental. 2. Only a few perforated objects have been found. Yet they are striking in their extraordinary raw materials and shapes as well as amount of work involved in their manufacture. Their utilitarian or non-utilitarian character remains unknown but it is interesting that all were found broken. 3. Only one of the 48 passive abrasive tools was found complete, the rest having been broken in small pieces. These tools are not fashioned in sizes and raw materials that would make them adequate for cereal grinding. They must then have been used in the manufacture of other objects, such as bladed tools, perforated objects, bone tools, or ornaments. 4. Active abrasive and percussive tools make up the largest category. Almost all were shaped through use rather manufacture. Interesting are the small limestone pebbles used perhaps in pot burnishing or hide processing. 5. “Miscellanea” comprises tools that do not fit in any of the other categories. Worth mentioning here are flakes and blades made of raw materials usually employed in the manufacture of ground stone tools.The study of the ground stone tools from Megaio Nisi Galanis has so far offered as many answers as the questions it has raised. One of the most important questions concerns the end of the life of prehistoric objects and the possibility that this is not always due to accidental fracture, burning, or discard upon the end of a task or the abandonment of the site. This and other questions will be treated in length in the final publication of the ground stone assemblage and the site of Megaio Nisi Galanis as a whole.
Subject (LC):
αιγαιακή τέχνη, προϊστορία, Κοζάνη, συνέδρια
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