Τρεις λογοτέχνες ιδρυτικά μέλη της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Αισθητικής : Παπατσώνης - Τερζάκης - Ελύτης

Part of : Χρονικά αισθητικής : ετήσιον δελτίον της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Αισθητικής ; Vol.46, No.Α, 2010, pages 69-73

Parallel Title:
Three literary figures founding members of the hellenic society for aesthetics : Papatsonis - Terzakis - Elytis
Section Title:
Ελληνική Εταιρεία Αισθητικής / Hellenic Society for Aesthetics
Of the founder members of the Hellenic Society for Aesthetics we have chosen the three distinguished literary figures of Takis Papatsonis, Angelos Terzakis and Odysseus Elytis with whom Panayotis Michelis enjoyed close reciprocal relations and collaboration. In fact, Papatsonis succeeded him as President of the Society in 1966. The article records their rich oeuvre as writers, with special reference to their publications on Aesthetics.
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