Το τοπίο σε νεοέλληνες ποιητές μείζονος τόνου

Part of : Χρονικά αισθητικής : ετήσιον δελτίον της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Αισθητικής ; Vol.39-40, No.1, 1999, pages 127-145

Parallel Title:
The landscape in major modern greek poets
Section Title:
Μέρος B'=Part II
Ontological co-identity between man and nature. The landscape is for the poet a space of harmony and beauty related to his nature and his soul. The communion of the beauty of the landscape with poetic inspiration is imperative. It is as if poetry draws upon nature for poetic work to be produced. The sense of entities - the sky, the sea et al - is transubstantiated into an outpouring of the heart, it is the reflection of the poet’s inner world. In ecstatic expression he is redeemed by the form. His work is the expression and exaltation of the inner and outer life. The poet’s response to the natural and the historical landscape is idiosyncratic. He views landscape as overflowing with God-inspired awe. He does not portray it, but transforms it: he renders what the soul sees through the object. The landscape, self-luminous itself, sheds light on the innermost aspects of the soul of the poet, who spiritualizes it, endowed as he is with the gift of unfettered vision. The poet approaches the stimuli of Greek beauty with devoutness: the sun which has our land for its throne, the sea which shimmers in the golden glitter of Greek summer. He calls to him their riches in plain forms, in units of shadow and light. He opens the unfathomable depths of the conscious and the unconscious in his soul, his psychological depth to his world-experience of Greek nature.The poet views landscape from an aesthetic, archaeological or philosophical perspective and recalls futility, experiences the tragic sense of life. The different probing by poets may concern metaphysical approaches, poetic expression determined by movements of the time and trends of the school they belong to.
Subject (LC):
φύση, τοπία, ποίηση, Ελλάς
Ομιλία στο Συμπόσιο της Κεντρικής Περιοχής της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Αρχιτεκτόνων Τοπίου (IFLA) που έγινε στην Αθήνα, 8-10 Σεπτεμβρίου 1998