Για το ιδεολογικό περιεχόμενο των εικαστικών τεχνών στη Θεσσαλονίκη
Part of : Εγνατία ; No.1, 1989, pages 315-341
Parallel Title:
On the ideology of the visual arts in Thessaloniki
This is a general survey of the ideological elements in the painting, sculpture and architecture produced in Thessaloniki over a period of roughly fifty years. The beginning of this period could be placed in the last decade of the 19th century when a recent financial and consequent demographic boom made itself evident in the fine arts. The late 1930s marks the end of the period surveyed.After the Balkan wars of 1912-13, the outcome of which actually found Greece with its territory practically doubled, the dominant ideology regarding the so called «New States» (Thessaloniki was the most prominent city in them all) had a decisive influence on every aspect of public activity. Herbrard’s proposed-and partly carried out- new city plan for Thessaloniki after the 1917 fire bears unmistakable traces of that ideology. Two points are then discussed: a) the differentiation of priorities (in terms of both form and content) in the painting produced according to the outlook of the social groups it was intended for and b) the homogenity achieved towards the end of this period in all forms of the fine arts in the struggle of the dominant ideology to establish a new face for the city, one that would make Thessaloniki part of a uniform image it wanted to create for the whole country.
Αντιστοιχούν οι πίνακες 465-481 από το παράρτημα πινάκων στο τέλος του τεύχους