Διδάσκοντας μουσική μέσα από δημιουργικές εργασίες στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση
Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.1, 2008, pages 223-235
This paper examines the musical, social and educational dimensions of creative activities in the music lesson, both from the students' and the researchers' perspective. A series of lesson plans were designed and taught by the researchers in classes of children aged thirteen - fourteen, in an urban secondary school in Nicosia. The research methods used in the study were participant observation combined with the use of a questionnaire given to children at the end of each unit. Findings reveal that creative activities created an excellent environment for musical learning to emerge, enhanced deep understanding and critical thinking and allowed children to interact with their classmates, express themselves and feel the joy of learning.
Subject (LC):
μουσική, Δευτεροβάθμια Εκπαίδευση, δημιουργικότητα, συμμετοχική παρατήρηση, ερωτηματολόγιο
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