Η αξιολόγηση του σχολικού κλίματος από τη σκοπιά μαθητών γυμνασίου : μια διερευνηση σε σχολεία της Αττικής

Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.3, 2011, pages 201-218

School climate has been described as a key factor of school life, which should be taken into account in schools' self-evaluation. The study presented in this paper aimed at investigating the school climate factors perceived by secondary school students. For this purpose, a questionnaire regarding perceptions of school climate was constructed and administered at 694 students of five secondary schools in Attica. Findings suggested that six school climate factors were identified: environment, respect, participation, motives, rules and friendships, "motivation" and "friendships" have not been identified by other studies as independent school climate factors. "Friendships" was the most represented factor in the schools of the study, whereas "respect" the least. Statistically significant differences were also, found among students from different schools and school classes, as well as between Greek and foreign students. The findings of the study may contribute in the ongoing discussion of self-evaluation of Greek schools.
Subject (LC):
σχολικό κλίμα, παράγοντες, γυμνάσιο, μαθητές, αυτοαξιολόγηση
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