Προβλήματα προσαρμογής των μεταναστών : ψυχοκοινωνικές και εκπαιδευτικές διαστάσεις

Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.3, 2012, pages 29-44

This article examines adaptation problems of immigrant’s children and adults. We refer to the most basic factors that affect the psychological well- being of immigrants and their social adjustment, like acculturation stress, racism and bad living conditions. Furthermore, we examine the family relationships of immigrants and the behavioral problems that are frequent among immigrant children. We, also, refer to school adjustment and to the factors that affect it, like language, ethnic identity and age, making a brief reference to the present educational system.
Subject (LC):
μετανάστες, επιπολιτισμός, ρατσισμός, οικογένεια, σχολείο
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