Η φιλοσοφική σύλληψη του διανοητικού προβλήματος στα παιδιά με αναπηρίες

Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.3, 2012, pages 69-91

In this paper is shown through the reflection of ancient and modern philosophers that life depends on the mental and physical balance of humans. John Dewey in his work with the title how to think he goes even further. Specifically, he pointed out the immediate effect, which mind has on the body and gave his views relating to the problem of education of thought. Dewey’s views put us in front of the issue which is created when a child has a reduced ability to adapt, which is usually is reflected on the physical and especially kinetics and perceptual abilities. Dewey argues that physical movement or slowness is due to mental progress or deficiency. According to Dewey, mind is the essential source for the use of members of the body and the balance, on which motion is based. Dewey adopted the Platonic, Aristotelian and Stoic view of the language as a form of externalization of the thought and he considered that the development of language in the young child is through the sensory and kinetics schemes, which the child imitates primarily by persons of family and social environment. In Dewey’s opinion language includes body language, which is another form of speech and the expression of the thought. Dewey presented his views of language as a medium of expression and communication not only sound but also bodily and he defined that the common proposal, the language is an expression of thought, is semi-truth, as long as this language expresses the thought, but not consciously. Dewey, apart from the language, pointed out that games and music are another source of communication and cooperation among children, but also an expression of the psychology and their emotions. Dewey’s views let us understand how through the older and contemporary philosophical reflection we conceive the causes of the condition and the manners of the therapy of the disabled children.
Subject (LC):
ικανότητες, αναπηρία, διανοητική γνώση, νους, σώμα, νοητική υστέρηση, γλώσσα, σκέψη, επικοινωνία, ενσυναίσθηση
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