Η αξιολόγηση της ορθογραφίας κλιτικών και παραγωγικών καταλήξεων από μαθητές με δυσλεξία με τη χρήση λογισμικού
Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.3, 2012, pages 93-120
The study aimed to investigate the spelling performance of inflectional and derivational suffixes by 22 Greek school children (4th-8th grades). The experimental group comprised of 11 children with dyslexia and compared with a control group of 11 children of typical development. Children were asked to spell four tasks entailing inflections and derivations in words and pseudowords delivered via software devised for the purpose of the study. Main results indicated that the experimental group performed significantly lower than the control group on the total of spelling tasks. More importantly, the effects of phonological transparency and letter length of derivational suffixes affected both groups, but they were stronger for dyslexic students, while the word frequency effect was equal for both groups. These results are compatible with the experimental literature and have important implications for designing adequate assessments of orthography for children with dyslexia and learning disabilities.
Subject (LC):
ορθογραφία, μορφολογία, δυσλεξία, αξιολόγηση, λογισμικό
Περιέχει παράρτημα με πίνακες (σελ. 116-120)
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