Η κατάσταση των Ρομά σε Σχολεία της Ελλάδας και της Σουηδίας : μια πρώτη συγκριτική διερεύνηση
Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.2, 2012, pages 55-70
Presenting a social group as part of a nation usually begins with a historic and cultural reference to the social group in question. It is then attempted to link the past to the present. This presentation, concise or thorough, to be characterized as ‘satisfactory’ and objective’, must encompass references deriving both from members of the same group or members not belonging to this group. In particular, as regards Greek Roma, the references existing so far come from non Roma and not always with the most unselfish incentives or intentions; in particular, this is all the more true as regards references to their origin -course of life- history. Nevertheless, notwithstanding the objective or subjective nature of such references, what is commonly accepted by all is that Roma face social exclusion living in the margins of society.
Subject (LC):
παιδιά Ρομά, σχολείο, Ελλάδα, Σουηδία, συγκριτική μελέτη
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