Προσχολική εκπαίδευση και Ρομά μαθητές : διαμορφώνοντας πολιτισμικά σχετική διδασκαλία

Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.2, 2012, pages 175-189

In the last decades, the role of preschool education has been widely recognized in Greece and internationally, as shown in the new curriculums, as determinant for the later course of the children. Preschool education is the initial degree and, at the same time, an autonomous period in children education. Preschool education is a political action involving values and vision. Values, vision and expectations, however, are culturally designated. What is happening when students belong in minority and even marginalized groups? How can we turn these students’ preschool education into more effective and at the same time more empowering and emancipating? In this project, we discuss a series of strategies with the emphasis on the development of a curriculum for the teaching of language and mathematics of Roma students in preschool education. The research takes place in kindergartens in Thessaly, in conventional or purely Roma classes. The development of a culturally related instruction with high cognitive standards and expectations is believed to consist of an effective learning trajectory for students belonging in minority and marginalized groups and appears to narrowing the gap between students with different backgrounds.
Subject (LC):
κουλτούρα, Ρομά μαθητές, πολιτισμικά σχετική διδασκαλία, πρόγραμμα σπουδών, προσχολική εκπαίδευση
Περιέχει σημειώσεις και βιβλιογραφία
References (1):
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