Αντιλήψεις νεοδιόριστων νηπιαγωγών για τις επιμορφωτικές τους ανάγκες

Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.4, 2010, pages 81-93

The present study analyzes the perceptions of newly appointed early childhood teachers about dimensions of their in-service training. In the first part we outline the theoretical framework of our study and then we present the results of an empirical study on the views of the newly appointed early childhood teachers regarding their in-service training in general and the programme of introductive in-service training in particular. As a research tool in our study we use the questionnaire. Quantitative as well as qualitative content analyses have been used in order to analyze the data. From the data analysis a number of conclusions are drawn, the most important of which is that the newly appointed early childhood teachers they expected to receive knowledge which would be directly related to their everyday practice.
Subject (LC):
εισαγωγική επιμόρφωση, νεοδιόριστοι, νηπιαγωγοί, επιμορφωτικές ανάγκες, επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη
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