Τα πρότυπα ρόλου χριστιανών και μουσουλμάνων φοιτητών

Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.2, 2006, pages 51-62

Role models are regarded as an alternative way to study the social and moral values of an individual and the impacts on personality formation. A number of 75 Christian and 59 Muslim university students participated in this study. The results showed that the Christian students named as their role models primarily political leaders, family members and national heroes. What they valued most in them were personality and character traits, as well as ideals, values and altruistic behavior. Their role models affected them in relation to various moral and behavioral characteristics, and thinking style. The Muslim students were mostly attracted by artists & famous athletes, and family members. To justify their choices, they focused on their role models' social success, scientific engagement, character, as well as physical & intellectual abilities. The role models affected their thinking style, their sports and artistic preferences and performance, and their desire for intellectual achievements. The factors that accounted for the variations between the two groups of students were related to the educational and socio-economic background of their families, that was considerably low for the Muslims, rather than to religion differences.
Subject (LC):
πρότυπα ρόλου, ηθικές αξίες, θρησκευτικές μειονότητες, φοιτητές
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