Actions for the promotion and advertising of tourism at national level and definition of their impact

Part of : MIBES Transactions : international journal ; Vol.1, No.1, 2007, pages 1-16

The determination of the nature of the tourist product is a precondition of any research aiming at providing propositions for effective tourism management strategies. Different approaches have been implemented in this direction, based on different criteria and viewpoints. Composing all these approaches, the "tourist product" encompasses a wide spectrum of products from different sectors of production as well as a number of services, while it is affected by a series of distinguishable state policies. An important feature of the tourist product is its immaterial nature. Buying a tourist product actually means buying sentiments which contribute to the creation of an experience.The promotion and advertising are basic parameters for introducing and making familiar a tourism destination; therefore, they are important for economic and regional growth. The area examined by this research is the policy implemented for the promotion of Greek Tourism. The research was conducted in two directions:the analysis of advertising expenses in order to reveal the strategy that was followed diachronically regarding the selection of markets, the evaluation of their significance and the level of the advertising expenses andthe analysis of the advertising mess ages promoted through the advertising campaigns of the Greek Tourism Organisation.Two research methods were applied: firstly, a semiotic analysis in order to reveal the creative strategy , the meanings of images, the operation of individual elements and the way they were composed; it was supplemented by a content analysis , that is, the isolation and count of selected elements.The findings from these two analyses were composed in order to form the final conclusions.
Subject (LC):
Greek National Tourism Organisation, advertising campaign, advertising expenses, semiotic analysis, content analysis
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