Τα προσόντα διορισμού των εκπαιδευτικών της Β΄/θμιας δημόσιας εκπαίδευσης : διερεύνηση των συστημάτων επιλογής από το 1975 έως σήμερα

Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.2, 2005, pages 155-168

This study examines qualification requirements for appointment in Greek secondary education. In waiting list in force for many years until to 2003 there aren't evaluation criteria. The order of precedence is determined by the date the application was sub-mitted. In addition are appointed unqualified teachers: in fields PE2, PE16, PE19 without academic subject knowledge, in fields PE2, PE3, PE4, PE13 without professional training and in fields PE2, PE10, PE13, holders of second class diploma of SELETE have priority access to appointment over holders of first class degree of university educational department.Under law 2525/97 competitive examination is implemented progressively. But, the qualification requirements doesn't change. In addition the professional training is replaced by optional self training, since Certificate of Pedagogic and Teaching competence hasn't yet came in force. So, the appointment system doesn't select the full and appropriately qualified teachers.
Subject (LC):
σύστημα επιλογής εκπαιδευτικών, διορισμός καθηγητών, τυπικά προσόντα διορισμού, παιδαγωγική και διδακτική επάρκεια, δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση
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