From work to text, then where? Observations on French postdramatic poetics from 1980 onwards

Part of : Γράμμα : περιοδικό θεωρίας και κριτικής ; Vol.17, No.1, 2009, pages 65-90

Section Title:
Re-positioning the dramatic
The contemporary dramatic work, especially in France which is a principal axis for the formation of European dramaturgical tendencies, seems to be the sui generis and paradoxical product of the crisis in literary genres: on the one hand its narrative and "fragmented" dimension completely contradicts the rules of traditional dramatic form. On the other hand, it lays claim to an intensely poetic dimension which returns theater to the sphere of literature. "Postdramatic theater" is an anti-dramatic theater, "poetic" in the sense of the predominance of the word over action, of monologue over dialogue, but also of interiority/reading over spectacle/watching. Representative of the "postdramatic theater" of the last two decades of the twentieth century is Valére Novarina's "Theatre of the Ears," on the meaning of which we especially focus here. To what extent, however, can a contemporary poetic theater completely disengage itself from drama? This is the main question posed by this paper, with reference to dramatists who constitute the core of contemporary French theater, from Bernard-Marie Koltès to Olivier Py and Valére Novarina.
Subject (LC):
Περιέχει βιβλιογραφία.The text strikes back: the dynamics of performativity