Japanese grandparenthood and psychological well-being
Part of : Hellenic journal of psychology ; Vol.2, No.3, 2005, pages 199-224
This study aimed at investigating the relationship of grandparents' psychologicalwell-being with demographic factors, grandparenting functions, grandparenthood meaning,and social support between grandparents and grandchildren. A total of 261 Japanesegrandparents of both genders were given a set of questionnaires measuring aspects ofgrandparenting and demographic information. Psychological well-being was measured withthe Psychological Well-being Scale that measures acceptance of self and others, mentalstability, and views about death and life and the the PGC Morale Scale. Correlations showedthat grandparent's age, subjective health status, frequency of contact with grandchildren,and the subscales of Grandparenting Function Scale, Grandparenthood Meaning Scale, andSocial Support between Grandparents and Grandchildren Scale were related to variousaspects of psychological well-being. Multiple regression analysis indicated that age and variousaspects of grandparenting functions were positive predictors of two aspects of psychologicalwell-being, namely acceptance of self and mental stability. Instrumental supportbetween grandparents and grandchildren was the only predictor negatively related to mentalstability.
Subject (LC):
grandparenthood, older adults, psychological well-being
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