A pilot person-centred group counselling for university students : effects on social anxiety and self-esteem

Part of : Hellenic journal of psychology ; Vol.9, No.3, 2012, pages 222-239

The Person-Centred Approach (PCA) has been effectively used with clients experiencing a variety of emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression. However, a study investigating the effectiveness of PC group work with individuals experiencing social anxiety symptoms is currently lacking. Thirteen university students were pre-tested with the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation scale (BFNE-R) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSE), and then participated in a ten-week PC group counselling intervention. At the conclusion of the intervention, they repeated the same measurement and identified the aspects of the group experience that had any impact on them. They were also followed up six months later. Results are mixed regarding the quantitative and qualitative data. Implications for the treatment of social anxiety and future research are briefly discussed.
Subject (LC):
group counselling, person-centred, self-esteem, social anxiety, university students
Περιέχει πίνακες και βιβλιογραφία, Special issue: Current issues in person-centred counselling
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