Rethinking what is “developmentally appropriate” from a learning progression perspective : the power and the challenge

Part of : Review of science, mathematics and ICT education ; Vol.3, No.1, 2009, pages 5-22

Learning progressions have recently become increasingly visible in studies of learningand instruction in science. In this essay, I explore the power and considerablechallenges in rethinking what may be developmentally appropriate for young children’slearning science from the perspective of learning progressions. In particular,I examine the issues of: a) the design of promising learning progressions within thevast design space of potential progressions; b) identification of cognitive resourcesrelevant to a progression; c) analysis of effort / payoff for particular competenciesat different points in the progression; d) attribution of cognitive limitations andachievements; e) coordination and collaboration needed to support the design, utilization,and refinement of the learning progression; and f) absence of straightforwardcorrespondence between a learning progression and trajectories of differentchildren’s knowledge-development.
Subject (LC):
learning progression, science, young children
Περιέχει σχήματα και βιβλιογραφία, Ειδικό αφιέρωμα: Science Education Research and Theory in the Early Years