Κενές κατηγορίες και κλιτικά στην ΝΕ : η περίπτωση του άμεσου αντικειμένου

Part of : Γλωσσολογία ; Vol.5-6, 1986, pages 41-68

Section Title:
Άρθρα = Articles
The aim of this paper is to examine the distribution of clitic/null pro in direct object position and to determine the factors regulating the above distribution, especially the presence of the clitic. It is demonstrated that the function of the clitic in the constructions under investigation (pu-, opio- and free relatives, interrogatives, COD constructions and parasitic gap constructions) is twofold: (i) The clitic is syntactically determined; it constitutes a phonologically expressed resumptive pronoun, an obligatory 'local binder' of the empty category (=ec) in direct object position, the null pro being unrecoverable and therefore completely excluded (e.g. instances of category,/case mismatch between antecedent and ec; antecedent-ec binding within islands). (ii) The clitic is pragmatically determined; it constitutes a means for topicalization (thematization) of the antecedent, the null pro being equally acceptable. Some problems arising from the above distribution are further pointed out (relation between the two cliticization processes; parametrization of the clitic optionality).
Subject (LC):
Περιέχει σημειώσεις και βιβλιογραφία