Traditional livelihoods, conservation and recreation : reflections on managing visitation in New Zealand conservation parks

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.4, No.4, 2009, pages 163-179

Section Title:
Research papers
This article discusses the findings of research conducted in protected naturalareas in the South Island of New Zealand over three consecutive summersbetween December 2005 and May 2008. The primary purpose of the research wasto gather perspectives and data about local community members’ and visitors’recreational experiences and aspirations for future management of theconservation parks. Since 2005, ‘high country’ conservation parks have beendesignated by the country’s protected natural area manager, the Department ofConservation (DOC). The three South Island parks involved in this study - theAhuriri, Ruataniwha and Hakatere Conservation Parks - were, prior todesignation, leased and managed since the nineteenth century by multiplegenerations of farming families for agricultural purposes, primarily farmingmerino sheep and beef cattle. Thus the landscape has undergone transition from afarmed environment coexisting with natural features that have high conservationvalues to one where tourism and recreation activities dominate.
Subject (LC):
conservation, recreation, tourism, New Zealand, management
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