Determining the factors that affect the satisfaction of students having undergraduate tourism education with the department by means of the method of classification tree
Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.5, No.1, 2010, pages 72-87
Section Title:
Research papers
Students’ satisfaction with their department is of importance in their attitudestowards school. When it is considered that the students, who receive tourismeducation at universities, are also consumers of the education service provided atthe departments, it is necessary to determine the factors that affect studentsatisfaction. The aim of this study is to determine the factors that affect thesatisfaction of the students, who receive undergraduate tourism education, withthe tourism undergraduate programs where they are registered. With thispurpose, a questionnaire was performed on 1734 students. The method ofclassification tree was used in determining the factors affecting students’satisfaction. As a result of the classification tree analysis, it was observed that thevariable, which affected students’ satisfaction most, was the job considered to bedone after graduation and that this was followed by sufficiency of jobopportunities after graduation, whether the department was chosen afterresearching or not, whether one can be a good manager with the educationreceived from the department or not, and whether the courses included currentsubjects or not, respectively.
Subject (LC):
student satisfaction, tourism education, classification tree
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