Casino vs historical tourism destinations along route No.9 Savannakhet City

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.6, No.2, 2011, pages 405-414

Section Title:
Research notes
This research project aims to study the significance of the historical tourism destinations databank of Route No.9 (East West Economic Corridor), located in Savannakhet, Savannakhet Province, Lao P.D.R. The historical destinations were assessed by adapting the Thailand Tourism Standard for measuring values. The author found that the measuring system should be adapted to the context of significance and values, as the numeric scheme was not the last result. The Lao Government has been trying to develop an ecotourism and cultural tourism policy. In order to reach quantitative growth, gambling businesses have been established in Savannakhet on Route No.9 which is also full of cultural tourism destinations. Nongdeune Temple VS Savan Vegas is a case study for historical tourism destination problems, that maybe contrasted with those of the Lao Government which is considering policy for tourism planning.
Subject (LC):
casino, historical tourism, route No.9, Savannakhet
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