A model for exploiting e-CRM in b-to-b e-commerce

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.7, No.2, 2012, pages 121-143

Section Title:
Research papers
In international tourism and travel literature, importance of the business-to-business (B-to-B) relationships and the role of e-CRM implementations are widely ignored. However, sophisticated relationships among to wholesalers (tour operators) and retailers (travel agencies) quite deserve to further interests of the academicians. Therefore, proposed model of this research was generated to examine to B-to-B electronic commerce environment in travel sector and the roles of e-CRM features in wholesaler-retailer relationships. Structural equation modeling results indicated that satisfaction of the retailer travel agencies’ sales staff was positively and significantly effected by the website quality of the wholesaler tour operators’ extranet system. The results indicated any statistically significant relationship between customer services of the tour operator and satisfaction of the travel agencies’ sales staff.
Subject (LC):
e-CRM, website quality, satisfaction, trust, customer services
Περιέχει σχήματα, πίνακες, βιβλιογραφία και παραρτήματα
References (1):
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