Patrimony, sustainability and development reconsideres : a critical review

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.7, No.2, 2012, pages 417-428

Section Title:
Research papers
Development and sustainability are terms under a hot debate in anthropology academy today and for a long time more. For one hand, the anthropology for development will argue that societies are located in a continuum in search for rationalization and social evolution; for the other hand, neo-Marxist anthropologists (known as well as anthropology of development) will emphasize the idea that some countries monopolize a major grade of capital with the aim to dominate politically to others weaker counties. By utilizing the ideology in educating undeveloped countries for an efficient economic resources administration, First World deploys a combination of financial assistance and ideological discourses enrooted in the paradigm of development, heritage, cultural tourism and sustainability to keep the control in a changing world. Likewise, the development not only is a troublesome concept -in part very difficult to grasp- but also comprises a mechanism to create a bridge between material exploitation and human’s necessities. The present paper insists in the importance of development critical in these types of issues.
Subject (LC):
development, patrimony, sustainability, tourism, hegemony
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References (1):
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