Exploring tourists' 'push and pull' motivations to visit Mauritius as a holiday destination

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.8, No.2, 2013, pages 39-56

Section Title:
Research papers
This study examines the motivational push and pull factors that affect tourists’decision in their choice of a holiday destination. 200 questionnaires werecompleted using a face to face interview among specific groups of travellers toMauritius (English, French, German, Italian and South African tourists) atvarious points on the island. The findings show that rest and relaxation are themost compelling push motivation forces followed by nostalgia, escape, novelty,social interaction. The key pull based motives were found to be climate andweather, landscape and scenery, flora and fauna, beaches, the exotic atmosphere,the Mauritian hospitality and authentic Mauritian culture. Push and pull factorsbetween first time visitors and repeat visitors are discussed. This study contributesto our overall understanding of why holiday makers take travel decisions for longhaul destinations like Mauritius and can therefore help destination marketersdevelop better marketing programmes to meet the specific needs. highly, whilenorth Italian managers seem more concerned about issues of co-ordination andthe quality of service provision.
Subject (LC):
travel motivations, push and pull factors, tourists, Mauritius
Περιέχει σχήματα, πίνακες και βιβλιογραφία
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