International tourists' environmental attitude towards hotels in Accra

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.8, No.2, 2013, pages 57-75

Section Title:
Research papers
The available literature suggests that there has been a rise in green consumerism,not only among general consumers but tourists. This has provided the impetus forthe ‘greening’ of hotels as hotel guests have indicated their preference for hotelsthat ‘take care of the environment’. Ironically, the environmental impacts ofhotels especially with regards to the consumption of energy and water are morelikely to be exacerbated by their guests. In spite of this, most studies onenvironmental management in hotels have centred on programmes and initiativesundertaken by management with little focus on the attitudes and behaviour ofguests. This study sought to assess international tourists’ environmental attitudetowards hotels in Accra and the implications for environmental management byhotels. A sample of 343 international tourists was surveyed at major touristattraction sites in Accra. The results of the study indicate that a majority ofrespondents generally held the view that hotels do not destroy the environment butcontribute to the global environmental problems. Most of them (83%) weretherefore willing to pay more to stay in a hotel with a responsible environmentalattitude. There was also a significant positive relationship between some sociodemographiccharacteristics of tourist such age and sex and their environmentalbehaviour. The results of this study have implications for environmental educationof guests and the marketing of hotels.
Subject (LC):
environmental, behaviour, attitude, tourist, hotel, Accra
Περιέχει σχήματα, πίνακες, βιβλιογραφία και παράρτημα
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