The Pro Loco Italian volunteers involved in the promotion of tourist events

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.8, No.2, 2013, pages 215-232

Section Title:
Research papers
The purpose of this study was describing who are the volunteers involved in thePro Loco association; analysing how the sense of identification is strong in theparticipants; identifying the functions of motivations and the sense of self-efficacyand collective efficacy in the participants. Participants were 222 Italianvolunteers. The 49% of them were members of the Pro Loco for more than 6years. They show a strong identification with the group. The main reasons fortheir involvement and commitment in Pro Loco are community function andunderstanding function; on the other hand the career function is not a linkedmotivation. Volunteers show good levels of self-efficacy and collective efficacyand a positive association between function, identification and sense of selfefficacyand collective efficacy. Regressions show that the motivation tocommunity function and understanding function are predictors of identificationand sense of self-efficacy and collective efficacy.
Subject (LC):
Pro Loco, volunteers, functions, identification, self-efficacy, collective-efficacy
Περιέχει σχήματα, πίνακες και βιβλιογραφία
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