The effects of sales promotion on post promotion behaviors and brand preferences in fast food restaurants

Part of : Tourismos : an international multidiciplinary journal of tourism ; Vol.8, No.1, 2013, pages 93-113

Section Title:
Research papers
Sales promotions work to stimulate and induce choice of customers in restaurants. However, the benefits of the sales promotion may be offset by undermining sales power and preferences of products being displayed when they are no longer promoted. The sales promotions have been long employed in marketing practices for attracting customers and researched academically, but a clear understanding of the impacts of sales promotion on products’ sales power and preferences post the promotion, has not been clearly obtained. The current study aims to explore the effects of sales promotion on post promotion behavior such as customer loyalty and purchase behavior in fast food in Egypt. Further the study also investigated the products' preferences in fast food restaurants after terminating the promotion period. A semi structured questionnaire has been developed and distributed over patrons in fast food outlets. The empirical results revealed that sales promotion can be very effective marketing techniques in creating traffic in restaurants and affect on quantity purchase. Despite the sales promotion considered a successful strategy to encourage frequent visits to fast food outlets, it affect negatively on products preferences' especially post the promotion.
Subject (LC):
sales promotion, product preference, fast food restaurants
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