The future is wireless in Romanian’s education?

Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.5, No.9, 2008, pages 449-458

mLearning, the idea of using advances in modern wireless technology and the Internet to make education more effective and more widely available than ever before, has attracted much recent discussion. Many universities seem to have already perceived the advantages of the mLearning and higher distance learning centers are beginning to take advantage of them. On the basis of the questionnaire (presented in this paper) used to collect in the more representative way new experiences of mLearning the case studies analyzed are referring to the following: why mLearning now, analysis of the opportunity and the possibility of implementing some mlearning components in eLearning platform (that exist) at FSEGA, Romania; next works.In this paper we try: to examine what phase have other faculties with similar profile - using an mLearning platform – reached; to estimate what is the level for participating in such m-learning project for the students enrolled in the long-distance education program; to evaluate the level of acceptance of this new challenge for the didactic personnel from FSEGA.
Subject (LC):
e-learning, m-learning, mobile solutions, wireless technology
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