Hybrid remanufacturing - manufacturing systems : secondary markets issues and opportunities

Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.6, No.1, 2009, pages 31-41

In this paper secondary markets opportunities for hybrid remanufacturing/manufacturing systems willbe analyzed. Recovering options allow increasing product’s inherent value recovery rate and it have beenexperimented by many manufacturers for several years. Particularly, the remanufacturing has been receivinggreat attention from many OEMs. In this case, the joint presence of high quality returns and demand for suchproducts on secondary markets (e.g. emerging markets), makes the management deciding about allocating theseunits on these secondary markets rather than remanufacturing them and supplying the primary market. To gaininsight into such a system a simulation model has been developed by means of Arena and a statistical analysisof data obtained from some experimental campaigns has been carried out. In this way, the factors that mainlyimpact on system performance and the operating conditions in which selling on the secondary market is moreprofitable will be identified.
Subject (LC):
strategic analysis, quality uncertainty, remanufacturing, secondary markets, simulation
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