Matching TRIZ engineering parameters to human factors issues in manufacturing

Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.6, No.11, 2009, pages 547-556

An overview of the development of the TRIZ problem solving approach is provided in the first partof this paper. Having emerged in Russia in 1946, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Technique (TRIZ)has been commonly used in the USA and Europe in the last few decades. TRIZ, as a method, has been usedsuccessfully to solve problems such as many of those typically arising during the process of productdevelopment, as reviewed in the second part of the paper. While the TRIZ method is also considered fit toaddress human factors problems in manufacturing, straightforward application would benefit from a resourcegathering supporting knowledge and techniques. In the third part, analysis of previous work leads to suggest thatnew TRIZ method users might benefit from specific guidance in the interpretation of the engineering parametersin the contradiction matrix, considering human factors problems in manufacturing. A tentative correspondence isproposed in the fourth part between human factors issues in manufacturing and the engineering parameters in thematrix. The paper concludes emphasizing the need to further extract and categorize human factors andergonomics principles and understand and analyze them under the light of the 40 inventive principles of TRIZ.
Subject (LC):
industrial engineering, inventive principles, contradiction, resource for new users
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