Techno-economic model for policy assessment to optimize spectrum frequency utilization : study case: frequency fee for FWA and GSM services in Indonesia
Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.7, No.2, 2010, pages 94-103
Radio frequency spectrum is a limited resource, owned and regulated by government. Eachtelecommunication providers, which use radio frequency spectrum, has the obligation to pay frequency fee.Currently, frequency fee, called as “Biaya Hak Spektrum Frekuensi” (BHP-F), for the cellular and fixedwireless access (FWA) services are calculated based on the number of frequency spectrum channel that beingused (aperture based). This method is considered obsolete for cellular and FWA services BHP-F, not only thismethod has technical problem but also calculation based on aperture is hampering the utilization of frequencyspectrum. International telecommunication Union (ITU), through ITU-R SM 2012-2 recommends about BHP-Fformula based on frequency spectrum spectral, which can promote the frequency spectrum utilization. Thepolicy of changing BHP-F from aperture based to spectral based will affects in economic especially to GSMand FWA industries. The policy also will affect to government goals to increase frequency spectrum utilizationand to have proper non-tax government income. To assessment this policy, we need proper model. This paperwill propose a techno-economic model to evaluate the impact of the new policy. In this paper, we use cellularand FWA services as case study.
Subject (LC):
frequency fee, cellular and fixed wireless access services, utilization, techno-economic
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