Measures in the first phase of banking harmonization with EU legislation - case of Serbia

Part of : SEEJE ; Vol.3, No.1, 2005, pages 145-161

Section Title:
Country report
Measures in the first phase of banking harmonization are regulated by the following four main EU Directives: First Banking Directive (77/780/EEC), Directive on own funds (89/299/EEC), Directive on a solvency ratio (89/647/ EEC) and Directive on deposit-guarantee schemes (94/19/EEC). This article discusses measures undertaken in the first phase of banking harmonization with EU Legislation in Serbia and the results accomplished by these measures and proposes some further steps that have to be implemented in order to accelerate harmonization of the domestic financial system with EU standards. The article analyses banking reform processes in Serbia so far, describes the requirements of the four EU directives mentioned and compares domestic legislation with them. The conclusion is that in Serbia’s financial reform the initial positive results have been achieved, but the process has not yet been completed and there are still various problems both at the level of the financial system and at the level of specified financial institutions.
Subject (LC):
financial system, banking sector, restructuring, harmonization, EU directives
Περιέχει πίνακες, διαγράμματα, σημειώσεις και βιβλιογραφία, This research was supported by a grant from the CERGE-EI Foundation (Czech Republic) and WIIW (Vienna)., JEL Classification: E44, G34, P31