Extended model of the natural resource input-output market : game meat in Latvia as an example

Part of : SEEJE ; Vol.9, No.2, 2011, pages 167-185

This paper incorporates input and output markets into a traditional natural resource economics model which was developed in fishery economics, in the context of terrestrial wild animal management. This model enables the division of the total game meat under the cull limit into personal consumption and market circulation. It is indicated that the utilization of game meat depends on the limitations in the optimum resource levels and the input market prices. While overuse is a typical problem in fishery economics, underuse is an issue in the case of wild animals, and the model successfully explains this issue.
Subject (LC):
game meat, input and output markets, oligopsony/oligopoly power model, underuse, personal consumption
Περιέχει πίνακες, διαγράμματα, παραρτήματα και βιβλιογραφία, The author extends his heartfelt gratitude to the current and former staff of the Latvian State Forest Service, especially a current staff member Dr. Janis Ozolins and a former staff member Janis Baumanis, who have extensively supported this study. Most of the information regarding the Latvian situation mentioned in the paper was provided by them. The author is also grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestions. However, all the errors are the author’s alone., JEL Classification: Q21, Q57