Information systems and supply chain management via B2B transitions
Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.9, No.3, 2012, pages 160-170
The use of IT to share data between customers and suppliers has created an effective system. While most supply chains is incomplete visibility of actual demand, the information shared between supply chain partners can be fully leveraged from side to side process integration. This integration means a collaborative relationship between suppliers and customers, development of common products, common information systems and shared. In addition, the MRC has the advantage of improvements in the supply chain, as companies have opted for a new model that focuses on adapting the level of customer service with the individual customer and the real needs of the customer for a service. In a B2B situation, most customers will be fully developed large companies looking to automate or improve the way they treat their business with suppliers. However, the supplier also has to choose a regular and technical approach, as most companies can improve their competitive advantage through the wealth of a manager right supplier.
Subject (LC):
information systems, supply chain management, e-SCM, CRM
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